2022 TNHCC

2022 臺北文創記憶中心


臺北文創記憶中心 ( TNH Creative Center, 簡稱 TNHCC ) 成立於 2015 年,為松山文創園區的臺北文創大樓委託 Plan b 規劃的的長期品牌計畫,希望在其營運宗旨之下,達成文化創意產業的永續發展,並重新定位臺北文創大樓在臺灣文創產業中扮演的角色及功能。記憶中心以「建立臺灣文化識別」為核心價值,希望在全球各國文化相似度不斷提升的同時,藉由放大那些日常生活中視為理所當然卻具獨特性的小事,梳理背後所代表的文化脈絡與認同,對自身文化產生自信與驕傲,進而在國際中建立更加明確的可識別性。

TNH Center was launched in 2015 as a long-term project, seeking to evoke culture awakening through different common objects of daily life, prompting the reflection to find one’s cultural identification and to establish our pride and confidence in our culture.

In 2022, TNHCC explores the intersection of "ads" and "culture" in Taiwan under the annual theme of Advertisement, through the exhibition space imbued with supermarket consumer imagery. It examines how ads portray daily life, express the aspirations of new generations, advocate for equality and justice, and convey unique "values and perspectives."

記憶中心繼前些年主題正體字、米、流行音樂、早餐以及在2019年審視品牌基礎、重新賦予自我「身份識別」,到 2022 年更深入大眾,挑選「廣告」為主題,「廣告」是每個人生活中的小事,是參與的日常點滴,期待透過廣告,看⾒每天所買單的多元社會,讓臺灣人從更多面向建構起自己的身份及文化識別。

TNH Creative Center (TNHCC) prompts the reflection to find Taiwan’s cultural identification and acknowledgement, establishing our pride and confidence in our culture. Exploring the links between social history, lifestyle trends, and culture via elements in everyday life, the project has featured Traditional Chinese Characters, Rice, Pop Music, and Breakfast Shops as the themes of the years previously.

“Advertisements” are little things in our daily life. Yet, it offers a glimpse of the society and captures people’s aspirations for a diversified life in different times. In 2022, we observe the evolution of Taiwan's societal values through common advertisements



In an era of information explosion, how do advertisements connect Taiwanese people, establish identity, and ultimately shape the diverse society we embrace?


2022/12/07 - 12/31


Taipei, Taiwan





臺北文創記憶中心是臺北文創於 2015 年發起與各界對話的長期計畫,以「識別臺灣身份」為核心價值,同時呼應在劇烈變化的時代下「記憶正在快速消逝」之現象,我們應該更加去奠基傳承、保存、創作的文化脈絡;曾以「正體字、米、流行音樂、早餐店」為主題,每屆透過「放大生活中的小事」,喚起記憶共鳴和文化認同,期許在識別身份之後,對自身文化產生自信與驕傲。

Commissioned by Taipei New Horizon, TNH Creative Center (TNHCC) is a long-term branding project of Plan b since 2015. By “zooming in on the little things taken for granted in life” it evokes resonance in memory to give rise to cultural identity for people to gain confidence and pride in their cultures upon “identified.”

Exploring the links between social history, lifestyle trends, and culture via elements in everyday life, the project have featured Traditional Chinese Characters, Rice, Pop Music, and Breakfast Shops as the themes of the years previously.


2022 臺北文創記憶中心更深入大眾消費生活,挑選「廣告」作為當屆主題。並以「廣告」為題、「超市」為型,邀請大家展開一場特別的消費體驗。從中探索廣告帶來大笑、流淚、沉澱與分享的生命片刻,感受那些因文案而凝聚、因共鳴而感動的記憶,是如何連結彼此、產生認同,最終建構出我們所消費實踐的多元社會。


“Advertisement” is a little thing in our life. Yet, it offers a glimpse of the society and captures people’s aspirations for a diversified life in different times. Individuals nowadays are exposed to nearly 10,000 advertisements daily. The process of viewing, pondering, and filtering information is essentially a dialogue with oneself on “value and perspective.” Through “Checkout,” we make choices in life; through “Not Skipping Ad,” we gain lens of diversity, building a society of diversity that we check out.


𝄃𝄂𝄁𝄀𝄂𝄁𝄀 ZONE A 聊廣告_認識脈絡 Recalling past memories with music 

歷史年表以雙軸線方式呈現自解嚴以來社會上發生的重大事件,對應在同一時間節點上出現的廣告作品,並配搭 30 位跨界創意名人以超市促銷海報形式,展示對廣告的價值觀點,讓觀眾重拾過去 30 多年來的台灣廣告產業及社會發展概況。

  • 50 studios that brings visitors of all generations back to their memories of youth
  • iconic pop songs and social events of 1968-2017 were revealed yearly
  • visitors could connect with each other cross-generation, generating compassion and understanding

𝄃𝄂𝄁𝄀𝄂𝄁𝄀 ZONE B 看廣告_深入意涵 Understanding the current music scene with data

此區進一步歸納出 10 大價值,分別為:新⼀代、性別平權、消費⾏為、女性⾃覺、勞動價值、理想住居、台灣味、⾝⼼健康、時代印記、環境永續

搭配 38 支廣告作品,引導觀眾了解廣告創意內容對社會發展的影響,再從 10 大層架上挑選自身認同的作品後,放進購物籃,進行獨特的購買體驗。

  • 100 pieces of Taiwanese popular music data was collected and transformed into infographic
  • different aspects of the industry and our daily habits were explored
  • visitors can objectively observe both our own habits and the current music scene of Taiwanese popular music

𝄃𝄂𝄁𝄀𝄂𝄁𝄀 ZONE C 進廣告_意識覺醒 Exploring future possibilities with interactions



  • connecting with their inner voice and self-identity through karaoke
  • explored a visual and virtual way of music creation
  • look back at past billboards and vote for “The Song of the Generation”, encouraging visitors to think about the songs that influence our collective memory and shape the identity of our society





由「廣告超有市」總策展人 莊淑芬女士擔任引言人,另邀請三位專業領域講者 龔大中先生、劉耕名先生、張基義先生,從廣告、影像、設計領域觀點切入,親身分享個人專業領域和創意的關係,搭配實際執行的案例,探究創意作為一種驅動力,如何賦予作品更高的價值,讓世界變得更加美好。



記憶中心延續官網上「Your Color Identity 建立你的記憶色票」系列互動,結合今年「廣告」主題,以記憶為切入、角色為結果、色彩為識別,為你建立專屬的經典廣告角色,將大家回憶中的廣告聲音喚醒,以色彩呈現!

------------ 以下待確認是否放 ------------

參展協力 (按筆畫排列)|方序中、尹國賢、孔翊緹、李君慈、李宗柱、李欣頻、李根在、狄運昌、林佳齡、周麗君、范可欽、胡湘雲、段鍾沂、侯文詠、常一飛、陳宏一、陳思傑、許舜英、張志浩、張溥輝、張鐵志、黃子佼、森田達子、葉明桂、蔣依潔、鄭莉菁、鄧博文、賴治怡、盧炳勳、聶永真、顏伯駿、羅景壬、龔大中 / 日一設計、台灣奧美、台灣電通、台北市廣告公會、安索帕、共想聯盟、米蘭營銷、李奧貝納、哲思創意、雪芃廣告、偉太廣告、偉門智威、創略廣告、夢之怪物、學而數位、聯旭廣告、聯眾廣告、鑫薪廣告 / 104 人力銀行、ACAP 野生動物保育協會、Uber Eats、VOGUE、大亞電線電纜、文人之島・環保之道、可口可樂、必勝客、台新金控、台灣設計研究院、台灣啤酒、永慶房屋、全家、全聯、味丹、金色三麥、波蜜、保力達、信義房屋、建築學人、原萃、師園、統一、麥當勞、惠氏、富邦金控、華康字型、歐萊德、礁溪老爺 / 一果制作、大於製作、大洋製作、大象影片製作、波谷影片、春天有限公司、紅色制作所、華苑映創、菩羅影視、圓圓創作、獅子在飛創意、雷宮製作、積木影像、藍月電影

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